Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Activities to Keep a Sick Child Occupied

It kid of gets dull around the house when a child falls ill. The schedule which is built around the child changes. Regular childish babble disappears and the house is abnormally quiet. Crankiness and tiredness are common in sick kids, and it tests our patience.

Don't Want to be Sick by Korean Resource Center

Here are 18 activities to keep an unwell child busy:

1. Make easy and simple Valentine's Day Gifts.

2. Play virtual pet games to give the child a feeling of happiness and comfort. Feeding and playing with a pet is kind of calming.

3. Pull out old images and recall happy memories. Talk of times when the child had a good time. Not only doe it take the child's mind of the sickness, it also helps solidify the memories.

4. Get the child to speak to a grandparent he or she loves a lot. Talking to an older much loved relative can make a child very happy. 

5. Play simple games the child enjoys and understands well. That way the child does not have to tax her brain. Count cars or play an 'I spy' game. 

6. If your window overlooks a park or a road, sit and watch the outside world along with the child. 

7. Start an art project the child would enjoy. 

8. Introduce the child to instruments and their music

9. Makeup a game of your own and play it. 

10. Try some homemade puzzles.

11. Build a land of your own and decorate it. 

12. Get a whole bunch of empty cardboard boxes and have some fun. 

13. Watch animals on TV. Then try and imitate them - walk or make sounds like them. Its a great way to 'talk nature' with kids. 

14. Go fishing!

15. Get the books out. It's a great time to catch up on some reading.

16. Try out a recipe where your kid can help you with. Make sure its not a strenuous activity. 

17. Build a tale. Alternately add a line to the story you build as you go. See how long you can sustain it. 

18. Talk about numbers. What they represent and how they look. Things you know which are in a certain number. Like 5 fingers and 2 hands. Make it fun. Try to count the hair n each other's head. 

In the duration a child takes to recover, she might go through a variety of moods. It's for us to gauge what might entertain the child in question. Picking one of these activities is sure to keep an unwell child busy for a long time.