Make the most of your holidays with easily available ingredients from the kitchen. Slip on your aprons, take out your kitchen instruments, and get ready to experiment with regular kitchen ingredients for some incredible outcomes!
Making ice cream is one of those science experiments for kids that they will conduct with utmost sincerity because it’s difficult to find a kid who doesn’t love ice cream. You will need 2 sandwich bags, 2 gallon-sized bags, 1/2 cup half-&-half, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, ice, 1/2 cup of rock salt, and winter gloves for the fun science experiment. Pour half a cup of half-&-half into a sandwich bag. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Squeeze out the air and seal the bag. Place your bag into another sandwich bag and seal. Put the double-bags inside a gallon-sized bag and add ice and 1/2 cup of rock salt. Seal and place this bag inside another gallon-sized bag. Put on winter gloves and start shaking. Take turns with other family member to shake the bags for 15-20 minutes. When done, you will have nice, fluffy vanilla ice cream inside the sandwich bag to savor!
How does the ice cream form?
Salt is considerably known to bring down ice’s melting temperature. Instead of melting at 0 degrees Celsius, the rock salt causes the ice to melt at a temperature much lower, depending on the amount of salt. This helps you freeze the ice cream mixture below the normal 32 degrees.
Gummy bears are our favorites! We love to eat them as much as we love to squish and squeeze them. Try putting gummy bears into shot glasses with different liquids and note how they react! You can experiment with the following liquids - water, salt water, vinegar, and a mixture of baking soda and water. Soak the gummy bears into these solutions overnight. Don’t forget to measure the height and mass of the bears before and after the science experiment. If the experiment was conducted right, then you will have the following results –
- Gummy bear in water will bloat up, but without any change in color.
- Gummy bear in salt water will shrink.
- Gummy bear in vinegar will grow the most and turn fragile.
- Gummy bear in vinegar will grow slightly and lose color.
Why do the gummy bears change shape and color?
All of the gummy bears grew or contracted due to osmosis. The gummy bear in vinegar dissolved its entire gelatin which made them fall apart! You can repeat the experiment with varied amounts of salt, a solution of diluted vinegar, or sugar solution and note your observations!
Science experiments for kids can be a wonderful learning experience as kids have always loved hands-on experiences. Try the simple science experiments at home with kids and help them learn with fun!
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